C24/7 Natura-ceuticals

The Most Advanced Food and Nutrition Supplement With Over 22,000 All Natural Antioxidants and Phytonutrients 

One of the leading causes of the most chronic diseases known to man today is as Free Radicals. Free Radicals attack the human body by destabilizing the cells and interrupting with their functions.

On molecular level, free radicals steal orbiting electrons from stable cells leaving unbalanced and therefore abnormal and unhealthy. Once the cells become unstable and unhealthy, the tissues, the organs, the systems are affected as well. Thereby damaging the human body.

Some debilitating and degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and even cancer have been linked to the oxidative effects of free radicals.

Unfortunately, everyday we are contantly being attacked and bombarded by free radicals in the form of unhealthy foods that we eat, the pollution around us, the everyday exposure to chemicals and the everyday stress we go through.

Sadly, our body can only take so much and in time, it will not be able to defend itself and the body will start to eventually deteriorate.

Fortunately, the human body has many defenders against free radicals and among these are known as antioxidants. Antioxidants act by making the cell become stable, energized and protected so that they can function and regenerate properly. However, the human body cannot produce its own natural antioxidants forever.

The human body needs to be provided with adequate antioxidants to combat the ill effects of free radicals and the best sources of natural antioxidants are fruits and vegetables. In fact, the World Health Organization recommends that people above 35 years old should eat atleast five (5) different fruits and vegetables everday to provide the body with enough nutrients especially antioxidants.

However, this recommendation appears to be challenging for most people because of their way of life and unhealthy lifestyle.

Good News we have C24/7 Natura-ceuticals!

Providing complete nutrition and round the clock protection. C24/7 is formulated and exclusively manufactured by Nature’s Way for AIM Global to provide everyone with complete nutrition and cellular protection.

It is the most advanced food and nutrition supplement with over 22,000 All Natural Antioxidants and Phytonutrients. It has 29 Vitamins and Minerals from A to Zinc which essential for body functions including building a strong immune system. It has the potency of 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend and 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blends. It has 18 different Amino Acids, essential for muscle regeneration. It contains 12 Super Green Foods and Spirulina Blend including chlorophyll. It has12 Kinds of Most Potent Mushrooms in the world. It has 12 Different Digestive Enzymes, a good source of Probiotics which important to maintain a healthy digestive system. It also contains 12 Specialty Nutrients including B Complex. It has 10 Essential Fatty Acids that helps improve blood circulation and prevent heart disease. Aside from these C24/7 contains 5 Anti-aging Antioxidant Enhancer and 4 Longevity Polyphenols.

Major Functions To Our Body
  • Promotes longevity
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Protects against heart disease and complications
  • Helps prevent cancer of any origin
  • Controls high-blood pressure
  • Controls blood sugar
  • Enhances and balances the metabolism
  • Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis
  • Enhances, nourishes, strengthens, and balances the immune system
  • Increases the production of inherent glutathione in our body
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Regenerates liver cells
  • Promotes healthy blood circulation
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety
  • Enhances sexual vitality
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsule per day for Prevention, 2-3 for Therapy and for Curing

C24/7 is 100% Expedient Free All Natural Vegetable Capsule that has a High Absorbance Capacity that can disintegrate after 15 minutes inside he stomach.

It is further enhanced by a unique technology known as PHYTO-ALKATECH making the capsule alkaline based in such a way that it’s active components are not easily damaged by the acid in the stomach during digestion thereby preserving its potency and purity. C24/7 compounds it’s effect through combination of its different active components are more effective when combined together. Known simply as Synergistic Effect or SYNER-TECH.

With the unique manufacturing technology of Nature’s Way, this product has KOSHER RATING, HALAL Certification and is approved by the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) of different countries.

By providing our body with essential nutrients, C24/7 is a perfect supplement for a more vibrant and healthy body!

Further Information

Each capsule contains the following daily essentials:

12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend 

  • These fruits are juiced whole, peels and seeds included, because recent studies show’s that about 97-98% of all the nutrients that a fruit has is in its peel and seed.  
12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
  • According to the World Health Organization, the human body needs at least 5 different kinds of fruits and vegetables everyday in order to remain healthy. This blend is specially formulated for Synergistic purposes. The vegetables are also juiced whole, just like the fruits.

12 Mushrooms 
  • These 12 of the world’s most potent medicinal mushrooms are rich in Polysaccharides that helps prevent cancer and the spread and development of cancer cells. They are cultivated in Europe and Japan.
14 Super Green Foods/Spirulina Blend 
  • Chlorophyll, the green coloring pigment of the plant, was discovered as very beneficial because it is a good source of antioxidant.
  •  Spirulina is also called as a “Complete Food” by the World Health Organization.
10 Essential Fatty Acids
  • It has Omega Oil 3 and 6 that dissolves harmful fatty deposits * Also known as Omega Fatty Acids, are the “Good Fats” that eliminate the “Bad Fats” in the body. The EFA’s in C24/7 come from plant sources, particularly Sunflower and Flax seed.
  • EFA’s are essential in preventing heart diseases, cancer and mental retardation.
29 Vitamins/Minerals/Trace Minerals
(Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, etc.)
  • Our body can not produce vitamins. That is why we need food supplements.
  • According to studies, vitamins are more effective when it has minerals along with it because it has a “synergistic effect”, where one won’t function effectively without the other.
  • It allows the nutrients to boost each other and therefore maximize their individual effects.
18 Amino Acids
  • These are the building blocks of protein. Since the body is all made up of protein, naturally it is also the building blocks of our body.
12 Digestive Enzymes
  • According to studies, the mother of all kinds of diseases is constipation. The waste left in our intestines becomes toxins that cause different kinds of diseases. Good health is dependent upon good digestion.
  • These enzymes are essential to the body because good health is heavily dependent on good digestion, and good digestion is totally dependent upon having sufficient enzymes in the body. Vitamins, minerals, and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. These enzymes are also needed for breaking down the fats in the body.
12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
  •   C24/7 enhances memory as it has Brain Boosters. This is also effective against clogged arteries and veins, and it promotes healthy blood circulation.
  • These specialty nutrients work together in repairing damages in the Brain/Nervous System functions. It helps prevent degenerative brain damage and helps keep our nervous system healthy.
5 Anti-aging/Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
  • Cysteine Hydrochloride – An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover)
  • Coenzyme Q-10 – Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan
  • Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) – Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots
  • Grape Skin Extract – An excellent source of Resveratrol
  • Corsitine – A very powerful anti-oxidant
4 Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blend
  • Japanese Knotweed – An excellent source of Resveratrol
  • Premium Red Wine Extract – Lengthens human Lifespan
  • Grape Seed Extract – An excellent anti-oxidant Lengthens human Lifespan
  •  Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content) – Lengthens human Lifespan
 100 Uses of C24/7

 What People Say About C24/7 Natura-ceuticals?
Ivy Fajardo: Viral Encepalitis

Felicidad Catangay: Diabetes

Ruth Peter: Vulvar Carcinoma (Cancer)

Virgilio Legarde: Diabetes

Perla Alexio: Leukemia  

and many more... 


Do I need to take supplements even if I eat a well balanced diet?
There are 40 nutrients required by the body everyday. Even with a balanced diet, factors like pollution, stress and alcohol can hinder your body from getting the proper nutrient value from food. With C24/7, it provides 22,000 Phyto-nutrients to our body.
What do I do if I have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules?
C24/7 utilizes vegetable capsules (V-Caps). It is excipient free so you can pour and mix the contents of the capsule in any liquid like water of juice without reducing the effectiveness of the supplement.
What makes C24/7 different from other supplements?
There are four antioxidants that are most important in the body. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium, all of which can be found in fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants are the key factor in prevention of many diseases. However, fewer that 10% of people eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. C24/7 ensures that you receive the minimum daily requirement with it’s blend of 12 whole fruits and 12 whole vegetables. With it’s 100% excipient free formulation utilizing V-caps (vegetarian capsule) combined with powerful “Synergistic & Complimentary ingredients”. C24/7 is the most powerful supplement in the 21st century.
Does C24/7 have any known side effects?
C24/7 has no known side effects as to date, but the effects on individual persons varies as its components balances our individual deficiencies and tries to rectify it.
Why does i feel a little bit woozy on the first two days after taking takingC24/7?
You feel woozy because your body was still trying to adjust to the mega dose of nutrients of  C24/7, physicians calls this phenomenon as loading dose, which they claim to be quite natural while taking any type of food supplement.
I am taking other supplements and when I tried C24/7, within hours of taking I felt as if everything around me is moving fast.
C24/7 is already a complete source of vitamins and minerals, and what you are experiencing could the effects of other active ingredients from your other supplement reacting to those of ALIVE. Try taking C24/7 alone and see if you would feel the same effect that you have felt before, if you do feel it again, then it is a rare probability that you may have some allergic reactions to some of  C24/7 components, if not, then the other food supplement is most probably reacting to it.
I am already taking a lot of medications, is it safe for me to take Complete C24/7?
Yes it is safe for you take it, but please be reminded that C24/7 is a food supplement and it is not design to replace your medication entirely, but it is formulated so that it can help in the healing process of your ailing body.
I am a health buff, does C24/7 helps me in keeping my body fit?
Yes, C24/7 is also ideal for health buffs like you, since it is packed with amino acids, it can help repair your muscles that was damage during heavy work outs, and helps in dissolving fats and in the process reduces your weight.
I’m not suffering from any ailments, why should I take C24/7? 
It is not that only the sick who should take C24/7, but everybody else since its components help our body to strengthen our immune system and regulates our body systems, which prevents any types of diseases.

In the initial years of our life, we forget our health, while going after wealth...
In the later years of our life, we spend our wealth to take care of our health...

“Health is not everything, but if you don’t have a good health, everything is nothing!” 

Live Healthy Lifestyle!

John Lloyd Villamor
