Whitelight Glutathione Sublingual Spray

Glutathione: The Worlds Most Powerful Antioxidants and Anti-Aging

About Whitelight
Whitelight is the world's first glutathione sublingual spray!

Sublingual Absorption
Sublingual, meaning literally under the tongue, refers to a method of administering substances orally in such a way that the substances are RAPIDLY and MORE EFFECTIVELY ABSORBED as compared to capsules or tablets via the digestive tract. There is no danger of overdose since glutathione is a natural compound found in the body.

More and more recent researchers prove that glutathione in sublingual form is MORE EFFECTIVE than their capsule counterpart. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant.

Antioxidant, helps liver to remove toxins from our body, longevity, may prevent cataracts and heart disease, beneficial to variety of conditions such as asthma (skin or lung), cancer, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, Immune suppression resulting from AIDS, hearing loss, male infertility and don’t forget the skin lightening side effect.

There has been no known untoward side effects from taking Glutathione supplements. Many are enjoying this side effect benefit of lightening of the skin, as it is the safest alternative compare to harsh ingredients from skin whitening products such as Hydroquinone, mercury and such which is hazardous and toxic to our body. With White Light Sublingual Spray, you can achieve this; healthy system, looking and feeling young and fairer skin all rolled into one. 

• Functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging.
• Slows down the aging process
• Detoxifies and improves liver function
• Strengthens the immune system
• Reduces the chance of developing cancer.
• Works to help improve mental functions, increases energy, improves concentration, permits increased exercise, and improves heart and lung function.
• Refreshes Your Skin
• Softens Skin and Promotes Whiter Complexion
• Refreshes Your Body
• Promotes Anti-aging and Liver Detoxifier
• Refreshes Your Breath
• Provides Good Oral Hygiene 

FDA FR No. 73912 

Directions for use of Whitelight Glutathione Sublingual Spray

1.Shake well before using.
2.Spray twice a day under the tongue. You can spray after every meal, or after brushing your teeth.
3. Hold under tongue for 20 seconds prior to swallowing.

See the Best Results After 1 - 2 Months of Continuous use, depending on your skin color.
1 bottle 50 mL / Good for 1-2 mos use /SRP: P1900



1. How long before I really see the results?
The average period where a user can see visible change in his/her skin color as a result of WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY takes about 1 to 3 months. Again, this is not applicable to every user, however, there are cases to which some users already see results in as early as 1 month taking 1-3 spray 3x daily. Moreover, the best thing to do is not to miss a daily dosage.

2. Why is it that some people see results early and others took long before they can see it?
For the simple reason that people have different metabolism, weight is also a factor, the fact that some people see results early is because their body have absorbed the components well. Finally, dosage is an issue.

3. What is the recommended dosage in able to achieve a faster and visible result?
the right dosage for a certain person must be based on his/her body weight and skin tone. If your weight is above average (70 kilos above) and your skin tone is morena or light brown, its recommended to take 3-4 sprays 3x daily. If you are black (African/Afro-American), take 4-6 sprays 3x daily(again, depends on weight).Generally, we recommend users to take 1 spray 3x daily if they have a light complexion already, its potent enough to achieve a change of skin tone in as early as 2 weeks (again, results may vary from person to person). Once you have achieved the desired skin tone you may maintain it by taking 1 spray 3x daily.

4. Do you think it’s not bad to take a high dosage of WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY everyday?
Definitely. There is no such thing as over dosage in these WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY. Did you know that primarily Glutathione is given at a daily dose of more than 500mg to certain patients? Whitelight GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY and its components are all supplements; they are in existence in our body. They are water-soluble which just means that if there’s anything in excess, it will be just excreted through urine or bile. “Some people with darker skin tone report that taking capsules along with vitamin C for three to six months or more actually lightens the color of their skin.” It is also recommended especially to people who smokes and are most of the time expose to polluted environment. Taking a separate Vitamin C such as ascorbic acid 500 mg also stimulates a better and faster result.

5. What makes WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SPRAY different compared to other whitening ?
What makes it different and powerful is the synergy between its various components. They are not only powerful individually, but also work together in what is known as antioxidant cycling. Antioxidant cycling is the term that describes how antioxidants work together to extend each others’ lives and make each other more powerful. And that’s also the reason why it is so effective to really whiten the skin in it’s long term use.

6. Is it just ok to continue using some whitening creams or gels while using it?
Yes. There is no problem if you still continue using your regular skin care regimen (creams, lotions) but once the whitening process has started you might not need to buy any creams to apply to your skin, WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY alone is ok and you will see it for yourself.

7. How does Whitelight GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY process starts? Can it give me an equal skin tone all over?
The reason why are skin becomes white in using WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY is because it reverses the dark melanin pigments turning to a light pigments and reduces melanocytes which produces melanin. Less melanin, a whiter skin. whitening process starts inside the skin (dermal layer) going outside (epidermal layer), that’s the reason why it takes time to be able to see initial change in your skin tone. The whitening process is goes head to foot meaning that you will have a white even skin tone in your whole body.

8. How can I consider WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY? It is a drug, vitamin or supplements?
Is it just ok to take it with all my other medications and vitamins? Is there anything to avoid when taking WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY ? WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY can be considered as food/dietary supplements. This is not a drug and so there are no known contradictions and precautions to be taken into consideration. However, WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY shouldn’t be taken by people taking anti-psychotic drug and chemotherapeutic drug. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, the presence of alcohol in the stomach is one reason for your body to not fully absorb the whitening liquid.

9. Once I have achieved the skin tone I want, is it just ok to stop taking the pills or should I continue it?
It is advisable to still continue taking the WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY even though you have achieved the skin tone you want. Take 1 spray 2-3x a day as maintenance. We all know that WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY is very good to our health and so taking it in long term will not only make us white but also it will promote better health.

10. Are the whitening effects of WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY permanent?
Will my skin tone go back to its original color once I stop using it? Its whitening effects are permanent only if you will maintain it(by avoiding exposure to sunlight). You won’t go back to your original skin color even if you stop taking these liquids, however, there is a tendency for you to be tan or darken your skin if you expose yourself to sunlight and other harsh elements.

11. Is the exposure to the sun will affect the whitening process or it is bad when I am taking WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY?
Sunlight provides vitamin d but right now we all know that is not safe for our skin to be exposed from it for the fact that our ozone layer is much depleted and so will not protect us from UV rays. Exposure to sunlight will indirectly affect the whitening process since it increases the melanin pigments in the skin, thus, might delay the whitening process. It’s not really bad to be exposed to sunlight but at least have protection and be sure not be exposed at a long period of time.

12. What If I am taking WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY but most of the time I am exposed to the sun, what will I do? Use sunblock or sunscreen lotion that has an SPF of 45-60. It will protect you from the harmful effects of the sun.
Let’s hear what a renowned doctor says about it:“The level of glutathione in the liver is critically linked to the liver’s ability to detoxify. The higher the glutathione content, the greater the liver’s capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals. Typically, when we are exposed to chemicals to which can damage the liver including alcohol, the concentration of glutathione in the liver is substantially reduced. This reduction makes the liver susceptible to damage.” Nature’s Potent Liver Remedy by Dr. Murray”

14. Is there any untoward side-effect from the long-term use of WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY?
There are no side effects or interactions known with oral administration of WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY even in its prolonged use. The side-effect, we all know, is the SKIN WHITENING itself.

15. I am in a hurry to see the results and also I want to be slim while I am taking the Whitelight sublingual glutathione spray. is it ok to take slimming pills or other products?
WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY is considered as a supplement and therefore safe to be taken with other medications, vitamins or supplements. However, we recommend people using whitening liquid to just use slimming creams or whitening creams so as letting the whitening liquid work solely in your body. If you are in a hurry and at the same want to be slim, I recommend you to use natural kind of weight reducing supplements such as green tea extract.

16. Is it safe to be taken even by young teens who want to be white?
Yes it is. WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY is considered as a supplement. It’s just as if you were taking your regular dose of vitamins everyday, therefore is it safe to be taken by young teens from age 14 years and to all ages who also want to be white. Henceforth, the right dosage should be taken into consideration.

17. Is there any side effect in taking WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY?
The side effect in taking WHITELIGHT GLUTATHIONE SUBLINGUAL SPRAY is the WHITENING of the skin already.

18. Is it better to take WHITELIGHT SUBLINGUAL GLUTATHIONE SPRAY with an empty stomach or should I eat my meal first before taking it? It’s much better to take WHITELIGHT SUBLINGUAL GLUTATHIONE SPRAY with an empty stomach. Your body will fully absorb it because it is only concentrated in just one substance unlike if have eaten already or had intake something, there might be a tendency for your body not to fully absorb it because there are already substances present in your stomach that might hinder the process of absorption.

19. Can men take WHITELIGHT SUBLINGUAL GLUTATHIONE SPRAY with the same result?
Yes. Men’s basic skin structure is the same as women’s. While the studies carried out included only women, we have no reason to believe why men should not experience the same benefits.

20. Is it BFAD Approved?
Yes, WHITELIGHT SUBLINGUAL GLUTATHIONE SPRAY is Approved. BFAD Registration No. : 74728 First in the Philippines..

Learn more about Glutathione

Live a Healthy Lifestyle!

John Lloyd Villamor