The Shocking Truth About Glutathione

Smart people are learning about the health benefits of glutathione and I count you as one of those people. 

After all, you came to this blog to discover more about glutathione didn’t you? You are taking one of the smartest steps that you can in an effort to cut through all of the bull and learn all that you can about glutathione.

In this short article you will learn everything that you wanted to know about glutathione and how it can help you live a longer healthier life. Lets get started right now.

Glutathione also referred to as GSH is an amazing antioxidant that can be found in each and every cell within your body. GSH is well known as your body’s best defense against free radicals and toxins that roam your body trying to destroy it.

GSH fights oxidation. Oxidation is a chemical reaction where oxygen combines with a molecule. When oxygen combines with a molecule or atom it is kind of like when a bad neighbor moves into the neighborhood, causing others to move away. Those that move away in this case are hydrogen and one or more electrons.

When oxidation occurs it produces free radicals. Free radicals are organic molecules that are unstable, and seek to bond with other molecules. This bonding process is thought to be responsible for many diseases, tissue damage, and even the aging process.

How Glutathione Protects Cells

I like to think of Glutathione as a booby trap for free radicals. Glutathione lays in wait in a reduced state giving these free radicals a molecule that seems ready to bond with it, but when the bonding occurs glutathione neutralizes the free radical.

When a free radical bonds with a glutathione molecule the molecule first converts to its oxidized state forming glutathione disulfide, an enzyme within the body called glutathione reductase changes the molecule back to glutathione in its reduced form so it is ready and waiting for the next bonding.

The Truth About Glutathione Supplements

Now that you understand how glutathione works to guard your cells against the invasion of free radicals it might seem that taking pure glutathione as a dietary supplement would be a good idea. Unfortunately that line of thinking is wrong.

The medical community has discovered that pure glutathione is broken down by the digestive system and cannot be absorbed very well. Don’t worry though, by the time you finish this article you will know how to supplement your body’s supply of glutathione quickly and easily.

To supplement the glutathione in your body all you need to do is take a supplement that provides the building blocks or precursors that give your body the ability to create its own supply. Glutathione is produced naturally within the body by combining glutamine, glycine, and cysteine.

Dietary supplements including these building blocks gives your body the supplies that it needs to create glutathione.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant.

Antioxidant, helps liver to remove toxins from our body, longevity, may prevent cataracts and heart disease, beneficial to variety of conditions such as asthma (skin or lung), cancer, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, Immune suppression resulting from AIDS, hearing loss, male infertility and don’t forget the skin lightening side effect.

There has been no known untoward side effects from taking Glutathione supplements. Many are enjoying this side effect benefit of lightening of the skin, as it is the safest alternative compare to harsh ingredients from skin whitening products such as Hydroquinone, mercury and such which is hazardous and toxic to our body. With White Light Sublingual Spray, you can achieve this; healthy system, looking and feeling young and fairer skin all rolled into one.

Learn more about Glutathione:

See what Dr. Oz says about glutathione

Higher glutathione levels are associated with a myriad of health, performance, and anti-aging benefits.

Four questions about glutathione - take the time to learn

What does Glutathione do in the body?

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Detoxifies the body 
  • Reduces intracellular inflammation 
  • Neutralizes numerous types of free radicals

What are the benefits of increased Glutathione?

  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • Faster recovery from exercise
  • Greater mental clarity and focus

What causes Glutathione levels to decrease?

  • Aging
  • Stress
  • Toxins
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Sun Exposure
  • Alcohol & Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Poor Diet

How can I increase Glutathione levels in my body?

Because Glutathione is very fragile molecule, taking glutathione supplements is not a very effective way to help your body. The glutathione capsule gets used up in the stomach before it can reach the cellular levels where it is most needed.


  • Cold showers daily or swimming 5-10 minutes per week in ice cold water: Raises glutathione about 20-25 percent.
  • Undenatured whey protein: Boosts glutathione about 35%
  • Lipoic acid: Boosts glutathione about 30-50%
  • Milk thistle:Raises glutathione about 35%
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine: Raises glutathione about 85% but requires 8000 mg a day
  • SAM-e:Raises glutathione  levels about 50%

Who needs Glutathione?

  • Smokers
  • Alcoholic Drinker
  • People with weak immune system
  • People with liver problem
  • People with thyroid problem
  • People with cancer
  • People who want to possess fairer and whiter skin

Experience The World First Sublingual Glutathione

Sublingual, meaning literally under the tongue, refers to a method of administering substances orally in such a way that the substances are RAPIDLY and MORE EFFECTIVELY ABSORBED as compared to capsules or tablets via the digestive tract. There is no danger of overdose since glutathione is a natural compound found in the body.

More and more recent researchers prove that glutathione in sublingual form is MORE EFFECTIVE than their capsule counterpart. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant.

Click here and Learn More about Glutathione Sublingual