
Whitelight Glutathione

Whitelight protects the liver and restores the body’s NATURAL ANTIOXIDANT levels by delivering L-Glutathione with Vitamin C sublingually.

It cleanses the liver of dangerous toxins and enhances liver regeneration. Regularly taken, Whitelight can also enhanced the skin color for whiter and fairer complexion.

Recommended Dosage: Squirt 3-4 under the tongue every 4 hours

Perfect White

This product is made with L-Cystein Peptide, Astaxanthin, Apple Polyphenols, Grapeseed Extract and Yeast Extract. This breakthrough product helps the liver produce natural glutathione. It reduces wrinkles and facial fine lines and helps removes blemishes by restoring the hydration and overall health of the skin.

"Renew and revitalize the skin for a younger supple,healthier looking skin with our Perfect White."

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 -2 capsule per day; for banat effect take 2 in the morning and 2 in evening

Live a Healthy Lifestyle!

John Lloyd Villamor